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“Plant Earth” is a television series which was narrated by David Attenborough who has a well-known voice. This TV series is one of the most beneficial documentaries that I have ever seen, I really appreciate the colossal amount of time and effort that had been put in order to produce a film that demonstrates and illustrate the changes in our globe. The scenario, filming efficiency, and the story is the three factors that made “Plant Earth” so especial and unique for me. It is obvious that “Plant Earth” has a high budget and solid crew behind it since they had filmed in natural places that require the best equipment in order to be filmed such as caves and deep seas. I really enjoyed learning about the different kinds of wheels, and I found the way in which the Pallor bears are struggling in their lives due to the global warming issue very painful. I also had fun learning about the natural world and the way in which it changes throughout the seasons. Also, the birds immigration and the penguins gathering were fascinating and spectacular to see and be aware of them. As a final point, I really liked David’s stories and guidelines about the scenes and the way in which he explains the complexity of nature in simple words that are meaningful. I would say that having Sire David as the host of the “Plant Earth” is an advantage for the audience to be able to enjoy not only what they see, but also what they hear. Finally, “Plant Earth” with no doubt is my favorite TV series because of the quality of the documentary and the story behind it. Moreover, it very difficult to first hand observe the natural world and to be able to observe it through the TV’s screen is very convenient and deserves to be appreciated. Therefore, I think that the audience needs to show their supports when they realize how much time and effort is being put in order to meet our high expectations about the film and contents. I really think that this kind of documentaries or films whatever you would categorize it I think that they can meet the standard of outstanding results that can be always beneficial and reference for an easy learning experience. More importantly, this kind of information about the natural world is essential for humans the natural world is our home after all. Even though we are living away from the natural world, the natural world contains great wonders and mysteries that can make some of us want to get back and live in the natural world. for me, nature is the whole and everything in it is a part meanwhile, it is a part and everything around it is a whole. in other words, the whole is a part just as the parts are a whole. therefore, we all complement each other human need the natural world and they depend on it just as the natural world need humans and depend on them.

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