Revised Final Research Paper

The history of the concept of islamophobia was first introduced in 1991; the term was specifically used to express the Muslims in the United Kingdom. Though islamophobia can be defined as a fear or dislike of all Muslims or some of them, many would argue that islamophobia is a way to justify the violence that is needed to control or dominate the world’s valuable resources (IRPD, 2016). Forming the world by trying to control or influence people’s mindsets to believe in the false image requires deep conflict since people’s mindsets and beliefs are not identical. Furthermore, enforcing the wrong way to think and bullying others who think otherwise is the most significant ways to make enemies since the right and wrong contradict each other. One of the factors that can be taken into account as the factors that will take away the greatness of America is islamophobia because it brings America to a very similar issue to their most challenging issue throughout the history which is racism (Moghul Haroon, 2016). Indeed, islamophobia and racism both share the element of hatefulness. Also, they both are false judgments that consist on judgmental and opinionated mindsets rather than making a judgment using observant mindsets. Activating the hate against a certain group of people will make it a lot easier to justify the actions taken against them to the public. However, once one part become hateful the other parts become fragile and much easier to be infected by the unstoppable hate wave. This can illustrate how effective the media can be in both creating or solving problems depending on the way it’s being used. Apparently, Promoting Islamophobia has political, social and racial implications that can results in a sense of insecurity and disorientation toward either both parties or one party.

First, the political implications of islamophobia are very active and consistent. London’s mayoral election which resulted in a race conflict since Zac Goldsmith chooses to take advantage of Sadiq Khan his opponent’s religion and beliefs which are considered nowadays as weaknesses in the political fields because of the massive deception behind islamophobia instead of focusing on his achievement and strength which lead to a clear conflict between Zac and his Muslim sister is one of the recent incidents that illustrates how the idea of islamophobia can be used as a political deception. The way in which the Goldsmith team managed their campaign turned to be inefficient in a diverse city as London. Even though in the United States the majority of Muslims refugees’ implication tend to be peaceful and harmless statistically, Muslims are still considered to be a threat to the United States due to the massive influence directed by well-off and powerful organizations. Although the number of extremists is very slim comparing to the total Muslims population, the U.S insists on shining the light on these extremists instead of manifesting the truth (John Feffer, 2016). Apparently, the mainstream media is deceiving and polluting the image of Islam constantly and purposefully in the U.S.A. As stated in AFB’s article “All these messages about Islamophobia and the bigotry and hateful messages especially brought by the politicians are happening during the election cycle,” (AFB, 2016). Obviously, there is a good reason behind the media’s message and report about Muslims for political purposes. Despite all the clarifications and vindication that the Muslims have made toward terrorism, the mainstream media manipulation is still effective. According to John Feffer’s article “ Since 2001, the United States has resettled about 800,000 refugees inside its borders. Of that number, five have been arrested on terrorism charges. Two were arrested this January, another in 2013, and the other two in 2011. Five out of 800,000 equals .000625 percent. That’s practically the definition of statistically insignificant.” (John Feffer, 2016). The concept of Islamophobia contains a very artificial basis that can never be justified by the real evidence and statistics behind Muslims’ behaviors and beliefs. Meanwhile, islamophobia is being promoted by influential organizations to deceive and hide the real Islamic identity.

Second, islamophobia’s social implications can lead to a social conflict that can minimize the societies’ chances of developments. In the suburb of Washington, Muslims are suffering from the islamophobia waves that are being generated by the election campaign and the last ISIS attacks. The LANHAM Muslims community considers the anti-Muslims atmosphere to be one of the essential issues that need to be solved. They blame the political influences for activating the hate against Muslims, and they are determinant to correct the misunderstanding which has been promoted by the media. As a matter of a fact, Muslims communities are encouraged to interact with others to prove that the media’s hateful intention fall and become crystal clear for everyone that Muslims are all about peace. Despite all the terrible incident that has been committed under the name of Islam, Muslims have not lost hope in the truth and they are willing to peacefully fight for their civil rights (AFB, 2016).

Meanwhile, it seems like some of the people who had put their blind faith and trust in the media had been deceived enough to crack and start an unfair hate movement. The attacks resulted from the manipulation of the media toward Islamophobia target Muslim women and especially Muslim women who wear veils. Apparently, Muslims women who wear veils are massively blamed for the crazy actions of political conflict and mindless extremists even though the blame is not on them. Holding Muslim women responsibly resulted in having mixed feelings about themselves which certainly made their lives much harder and ruthless (The Bridge Initiative, 2015). This can also lead to dramatic collapse to the Muslims societies since mothers are the children’s first teachers and if they are being discriminated they may experience a dysfunction in passing their incredible and peaceful beliefs to their children. The previous statements can elaborate how islamophobia is a combination between fear first then hate that can spread and grow insanely. Moreover, the war conflicts and islamophobia are the main two factors that lead Muslims’ children to a complex and ruthless environments. (Saeed Aliya, 2016). Muslims feel threatened by the amount of hate that they have encountered and the outrageous accusation toward their beliefs.

Third, the racial effects of islamophobia are controversial since religion is not the same as race. However, in the case of Muslims Islam is playing the role of race to racist. Muslims are being judged neither by the color of their skin nor by their characters, but they are being judged by the media’s propagandas. Racism main elements are vanity and hate, and they both contribute to the conception and promotion of islamophobia. Making judgments based on stereotypes that had been massively produced by masters of mind tricks to people who see with only one eye is exactly what the mainstream media are trying to do. Although many people are aware of Donald Trump hilarious system, they are others who carry his legacy and willing to approve all his nefarious resist actions. Donald Trump’s words will be always there as an encouragement for people who are full of hate and deception (Hameed, Mustafa, 2016).


It took America about 400 years to almost end racism will it take another 400 years to put an end for islamophobia is a question that must be answered by the people who have Trump’s mindsets so that they realize what they are asking for where they are heading. But do not they know or at least have the resources to know and let us know, lets ask FOX about the future of our children and lets not think for a second that they will give us an honest answer if they could they would have given it to us from the beginning.

Finally, islamophobia is an illusion that had been created by the media to accomplish and fulfill certain outcomes that can be generalized as negative political, social, and racial influences to deceive the public and hide the truth from them. The media’s main job had been well illustrated by Joseph Goebbels “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” It seems like the truth is much more valuable than we thought since it is still being covered and hidden from us. However, it is time for all of us to wake up and think of what they want us to believe in and what they want to keep away from us because we all deserve to know the truth and live without fear.

Reference list:

AFB. “Largest US Muslim Center Targets Spike in Islamophobia – The Express Tribune.”  The Express Tribune Largest US Muslim Center Targets Spike in Islamophobia Comments. 2016. Web. 21 May 2016.

Bridge Initiative Team. “New Study Highlights the Damaging Effects of Islamophobia           on Muslim Women – The Bridge Initiative | A Research Project on       Islamophobia.” The Bridge Initiative. 2015. Web. 19 May 2016.

Hameed, Mustafa. “When the Tide of Islamophobia Reached My Hometown                                                                                                                                 Mosque.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 2016. Web. 17 May        2016.

Feffer, John. “Sadiq Khan and the End of Islamophobia – FPIF.” Foreign Policy In Focus. 2016. Web. 27 May 2016.

IRPD. “Center for Race & Gender.” Defining “Islamophobia” Web. 21 May 2016.

Saeed, Aliya. “Start with Yourself, Be Their Anchors.” Islamophobia Is Closed-             minded Prejudice against or Hatred of Islam and Muslims. 5 Jan.      2016. Web.    17 May 2016.

Moghul, Haroon. “Islamophobia Is Ruining America-But Not How You Think.” Time.   Time, 26 Feb. 2016. Web. 19 May 2016.

Extra Credits

“Plant Earth” is a television series which was narrated by David Attenborough who has a well-known voice. This TV series is one of the most beneficial documentaries that I have ever seen, I really appreciate the colossal amount of time and effort that had been put in order to produce a film that demonstrates and illustrate the changes in our globe. The scenario, filming efficiency, and the story is the three factors that made “Plant Earth” so especial and unique for me. It is obvious that “Plant Earth” has a high budget and solid crew behind it since they had filmed in natural places that require the best equipment in order to be filmed such as caves and deep seas. I really enjoyed learning about the different kinds of wheels, and I found the way in which the Pallor bears are struggling in their lives due to the global warming issue very painful. I also had fun learning about the natural world and the way in which it changes throughout the seasons. Also, the birds immigration and the penguins gathering were fascinating and spectacular to see and be aware of them. As a final point, I really liked David’s stories and guidelines about the scenes and the way in which he explains the complexity of nature in simple words that are meaningful. I would say that having Sire David as the host of the “Plant Earth” is an advantage for the audience to be able to enjoy not only what they see, but also what they hear. Finally, “Plant Earth” with no doubt is my favorite TV series because of the quality of the documentary and the story behind it. Moreover, it very difficult to first hand observe the natural world and to be able to observe it through the TV’s screen is very convenient and deserves to be appreciated. Therefore, I think that the audience needs to show their supports when they realize how much time and effort is being put in order to meet our high expectations about the film and contents. I really think that this kind of documentaries or films whatever you would categorize it I think that they can meet the standard of outstanding results that can be always beneficial and reference for an easy learning experience. More importantly, this kind of information about the natural world is essential for humans the natural world is our home after all. Even though we are living away from the natural world, the natural world contains great wonders and mysteries that can make some of us want to get back and live in the natural world. for me, nature is the whole and everything in it is a part meanwhile, it is a part and everything around it is a whole. in other words, the whole is a part just as the parts are a whole. therefore, we all complement each other human need the natural world and they depend on it just as the natural world need humans and depend on them.

Final Projects Refelections

Our Group’s Final Project Reflection:
I really think that I and my group members worked very hard to come up with amazing results, my group members were very cooperative in ever aspect of our game “It takes a village”. Our game was all about sustainability and cooperation, and we were able to invest our sense of cooperation throughout making this game into the game itself. Also, by using our previous expectancies about sustainability we were able to apply the needed features for the sustainable game. I really enjoyed working with my teammates since each one of us did a great job in his part and in the overall effort. Simplifying the idea of making less do more in the game and relating it to our lives was absolutely incredible, it showed me how games can really be directed toward a beneficial use that can make a positive change in our lives. We have faced many challenges while we were working on the design of the game and the name of the game. However, I think that the most challenging part was designing the board which we decided not to have a board, but instead we design the shapes of the different pieces in the game to be used as a divided board that needs to be arranged in a certain way at the beginning of the game and by the end of the game it will look totally different. Also, we had to do a lot of physical tasks such as cutting, taping and gluing. My main job was to design the visual contents of the cards after we have agreed on them. Nicole was very active and oriented, and she is a time savior. If it were not for Nicole I would have never been able to come up with the appropriate drawings for the cards. Although I have spent too much time throughout designing and choosing the colors, I am proud of our final results. We were able to finish everything in time, and we managed to cover all the aspects of the game. It was not an easy task, but it was fun and doable. This project with no doubt is unforgettable, I will always remember our game and I may return to it someday in the future. I still think that our game needs final touches and then the game will be perfectly designed and oriented, and I still think that our game is very creative and beneficial for kids, it can teach them our to work as a team and face challenges together and overcome them. It can offer children the right atmosphere for cooperation and the importance of the sense of unity. Finally, I really grateful for all what have learned from my group members and for the smooth and elegant communication. I strongly think that this experience made me realize how effective and creative a teamwork can be, and now I know for sure that both cooperation and sustainability are key elements in our lives.
Other Groups’ Reflection:
Seeing what my classmates did in their final projects made me realize how we can really be creative in solving problems and presenting ideas. Some of us choose to make magazine others made board games, but we all have presented essential social issues in a creative manner. The project which I enjoyed the most was “Donald Trump America” I thought that the game was fun and meaningful. However, what made this game very unique and special for me is the level of honesty in all the features of the game. I am glad for being able to see all of us working with creator and critical mindsets, and I grateful for the massive awareness that I have gained from my classmates’ final projects and from taking this course in general.

Blog Post Film Review

“The greatest lie ever told” is a documentary that investigates and analyzes the truth behind one of the most will known tragedies that had many implications on our world January 30, 1933, Holocaust. For me when I think about that historical event it reminds me of one of the most ruthless stories I have ever read, Elie Wiesel’s novel “Night” which was assigned to by my twelfth-grade brother Sari. However, this documentary illustrates and elaborates the massive deception behind the story. One of the most reasonable and official claims that have been taken into account in the documentary is an official document from the international Red Cross which was let to enter the concentration camps by the Nazi Party to try to ensure the prisoners safety both documents Arolsen West Germany and East Germany figures suggested that the holocaust never happened the way we had been lead to believe. Moreover, the actual figure was not even close to one million nor half a million. In fact, the National Red Cross had never made the claim of six million Jews were murder in concentration camps even though in one of their most recent statements they have given a recognition to millions of people with different nationalities who dead of the war in Germany and they have never given a recognition to the number six million. Six million is a huge exaggeration, this might be why this could be the greatest lie ever told. As the matter of a fact, The story of the number 6 million has no scientific proof behind it, the only basis for that figure is Dr. Wilhom Hottl who claimed that number meanwhile he has no idea how many were British, Poles, Russian, or even American. Also, the documentary points out one of the interesting motives behind this lie which was creating a war between Christian and Muslims, so that Jews will be left standing. This fact was well known back then and was regularly recorded. One of the missions was, of course, overthrowing the Sultan of Turkey at that time which has started the tension as it was planned. A spectacular quote by Joseph Goebbels illustrates how deception and the art of lying work powerfully among societies “If you tell a lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.” These words sum up most of the story of the Holocaust, lies can never remain as the truth, but a good lie remains enough to fulfill its purpose before the truth appears. Behind every lie there must be a purpose, people lie to protect or deceive others and themselves, and it seems that the Holocaust is unique since it was targeted to be a protection for some and deception for others. However, I am not quite convinced that this is the greatest lie ever told because if we really focused on searching for the truth rather than waiting for it to appear, we surely will find much greater lies been told and being told.

Weekly Blog Post #5

After watching the “TED TALK with Jane McGonigal’s” and reading “Can Social- Change Video Games Tackle Divorce, Poverty, Genocide” I think that with all the time that people spent playing video games they indeed must develop or gain a skill or two from playing. In Jane McGonigal’s TED TALK she explained how gamers actually have an essential mentality they tend to be problem solvers and they know how to handle the problems. I really think that games can be massively beneficial and effective if games designers’ main focus changed. Making games only to entertain the consumers and make money is not how the virtual world can become related to the real world. Playing a game should not make people feel conflicted about the virtual and the real world instead there must be a relation between them. Directing the intention of making games to making a positive change in the real world through the virtual interaction can result in the best method to tackle and fix an issue. Knowing that not only teenagers and kids are consuming video games and that the market is really huge is what makes video games effective enough to target the majority of the population. It is really promising to know that finally games designers are thinking about providing games that are purified from their previous mistakes and blend both worlds together. I really hope that we will see a game soon that will make us shift our current games consumption to purposeful consumption.
For me the game industry is drifting away from perfection, I do not see how they are making a progress when most of the hits are unchangeable for how long will we keep on playing “FIFA”, and “Call of Duty” and for how long are they going to make them. I am going to be perfectly honest, I am starting to feel sick of the reputation. Making something new something that has never been done is what I want to see. I strongly need to see a competition in making the best beneficial game ever. I really think that game designers have the potential to design a game that can inspire millions to make a positive change in their life, but I still think that it is a task that must be done by a group of people rather than one person since making a game requires cooperation. Designing a game that will influence people will also result in a dramatic change in the video games industry and that can be the start of a new type of gaming and designers with updated mindsets. As a final point, playing games is already making a change we only need to decide how to make that change a positive transformation rather than helping to make a conflict between our real lives and the video games. We must realize that games are affecting us whether we like it or not be exposed to something leaves a mark on us. Therefore, the games must expose us to life aspects that are worthy to be marked on us.

Weekly Blog Post #4

“The all-Islamic super-heroes: Muslim children love ‘The 99′ comics, but hardliners loathe their creator – whose trial for heresy is looming” and “The 99” are the two articles that I am going to reflect on. I really liked what Naif Al-Mutawa had accomplished by his meaningful and purposeful message, and I think that he had played a big role in creating a strong sense of controversy in the comics industry which leads somehow to positive change. The historical connections and spiritual manners that Al-Motawa had incorporated in his story are fascinating, and the cultural accuracy in the characters is spectacular even though it was one of the factors that had sabotaged “The 99” if not the main factor. Also, the sense of uniting and selfishness that “The 99” produce to the children is absolutely a well-directed movement toward a better future and environment for all humans. As for the heresy looming case, I think that Al-Motawa knew the boundaries very well, and I do not believe that a work that respects and reflects the religion niche and Allah boundaries is a heresy instead I think that it is a progressive and free of duplication attempt to make tomorrow better than today. Heresy is negative change as oppose to progress, so we need to differentiate between them by acknowledging the future implementation of the current action on the society. The real heroine of the Islamic world and the interest of adults and teenagers Muslims are two aspects that were questioned which I would like to illustrate from my own perspective. First, the Islamic history contains many inspirational and spectacular heroes from whom we can learn about the true meaningful attitudes such as wisdom, forgiveness, compassion and love…etc. Two of the most decent Arab heroes are Abu Bakr who was known as the veracious Abu Bakr and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab who was known as the differential since in his time poverty did not exist in the Arab communities and after whom I was named. The heroes of the Islamic world exist in the history books, but nowadays someone like Naif Al-Mutawa needs to be creative and find a way to present them to the Arab and the whole world. However, is willing to do so, must know that political and social obstacles are one of the challenges and downsides of uncovering the truth. As a final point, I found it interesting to find out that the 99 was consumed by not only Arab children but also the West adults. However, what is more interesting was realizing the Arab adults were not consumers which made me want to know the reason behind the lack of Arab adults’ consumption to “The 99”, and I think that the main reason is because they are more interested and attracted to realistic stories that have an obvious effective purpose rather than a made up stories.

Weekly Blog Post Week#3

I really enjoyed making a connection between “Cooked” episode 2 “Water” and the “Teaching Kids to Cook on $3.50 Per Meal” article. Watching “Cooked” episode 2 was an eye-opener for me; I realized how essential is it to cook for yourself. Honestly, I always knew that home made food is the best in terms of healthiness and tastefulness of the food. However, I have never thought about cooking every meal in my day instead I always encourage the people around me to step up and spend time in the kitchen. in the episode, Michael Pollan illustrated the food industry issue, and he mentioned that the most effective factor is time. People are busy working and making money, and corporations are taking an advantage of the situation, and they are solving it by applying whatever makes the best financial growth. I believe that being aware of the big picture is a critical half of the solution. Therefore, I think that Pollan gave us a key with which we can defeat losing one of the unique and aesthetic humans’ surviving skills. Cooking might seem difficult to many of us, but the truth is it is not we just have been pursued to think of cooking as a complex duty that cannot be nailed by ordinary people who do not have time for it. Also, acknowledging the importance of the fresh ingredients as oppose to the processed ingredients that are being massively marketing with deception.

One of the magnificent solutions and most significant is presented in “Teaching Kids to Cook on $3.50 Per Meal: My Interview With Alli Sosan of MicroGreen” which was written by Bettina Siegel. Switching the focus where it supposed to be on children is no doubt a clever move that can make a positive impact on both the youth and adults. I strongly support learning at a young age since young people not only have the potential, but they also have plenty of time that can be widely used in learning useful and meaningful skills such as cooking. Targeting the most important age stage in the society and taking in account the poverty is definitely one of the wisest solutions for restoring the niche of cooking in our lives. Many children can benefit from the MicroGreen mission that offers kids the opportunity to master the art of cooking and be able to demonstrate to their parents and themselves the positive change by applying what they have learned. Also, children will grow without the fear of the kitchen, and they will have not just memories in the kitchen, but they will also have personal and first-hand experiences. Cooking can be really fun for children, so some of them might become passionate about it, and they may decide to continue the MicroGreen cooking legacy which can be promising.

Finally, I think that emphasizing the food problem as Pollan did and creating supportive and instrumental organizations like the MicroGreen are active ways from which we can start making the change possible. Additionally, we need to think of crafty plans that can correct our actions and decisions toward cooking.

Weekly Blog Post Week#2

The two articles that I choose to reflect on are “The Downside of Measuring the Social Impact of Documentary Films” which was written by Alison Fields and “Documentary Filmmaking: Truth or Fiction” which author is Sally Blake. First, I suggest that documentary should not be based on how much time or money being provided simply because they suppose to uncover and illustrate problems. The documentaries, in my opinion, should be unbiased and not controlled by money so that no one can choose which issues to be presented and which once should be hidden. Making a movie or a documentary that makes a difference in our societies is highly needed, but still it has to be packed up by the right people in order to make it complete in terms of the effectiveness and thoughtfulness behind it. I strongly agree with Fields both advocates and filmmakers working together on promoting documentaries can develop the industry and fulfill the misconception which most documentary makers have about measuring their works by our emotions along with our reactions. Depending only on filmmakers to make a documentary most likely will strip the work from the true or real meaning just as Blake thought when she uncovered the artificial emotions in making a romantic scene. However, Blake also realized that filming documentaries are not as different as she thought, she figured that making reality shows is similar to making documentaries which can make it easy for storytellers to work with filmmakers. Also, relying only on advocates who know how to connect the issue with the audience properly will make the work visually lame which can affect the attempt of creating a social change. Movie directors like Blake whose main goal is to make a positive change out of their works need the people who know how to deliver a story and are knowledgeable about the story. I believe that the way in which the story is being presented and the meaning behind the story both are equally essential for me in an effective documentary. The meaning of the story is what makes the emotional impact, and the visual creativity should illustrate the change and how it can be powerful to the audience. Presenting a problem as if people can never solve it obviously will change nothing but the awareness. However, I believe that documentaries are meant to make a greater change since an article can be way better and less cost full method to raise the awareness. I think that a documentary should illustrate all the aspect of the issue and leave us with a complete reflexology, or at least it should narrow the message as much as possible in order to help and comfort the audience make sense of the proposition. Finally, filmmakers and documentarians complement each others and incorporating both of their effort and boundaries can create appropriate manner for the audience to not only watch but also participate and be a part of a positive change by encouraging them to take a step forward and not be afraid of the effectiveness of changing themselves as long as they are convinced.